Monday, June 1, 2009


So I realized that the last post was winter pictures (even though it was May) and now it's turned nice out and it looks more like the summer pictures we all enjoy.
My family had a fun picnic at the park on Saturday. One of my favorite things is being with family, it is always a good time and never a dull moment.

Oh Brody, Brody, Brody. This kid makes me laugh everyday. He is always doing something or saying something funny. I love that he can talk so well because it has made for so many interesting conversations.
Brody: I go to my room yesterday, and bang on my room. (he was banging on his door)
Me: Why did you do that?
Brody: Because, because that not appropriate.
He has got on this kick about things being 'not appropriate'. I guess I say that to him too much.

He is so completely different from Jenna, but so similar in some ways, like being anal about certain things.
Brody has to have his blankets completely flat and straight for his nap time, if that doesn't happen there is no way he is going to sleep.
He definitely has a thing about lids being on jars, he can't handle them being off.
He also likes to close everything, from doors to containers, he needs to have things closed.
The minute Brody wakes up in the morning he has to have a glass of milk. If any of you know Brody he is a milkoholic. He would rather have milk than any kind of dessert or junk food.
What a cute and funny little guy.


nichole said...

I love your family too, I wish we were closer!

You were mentioning about my girls' hair. Check out
if you haven't sen it before. She has kind of stopped now, but everything is all archieved in her past posts.

Sarah Willett said...

This makes me miss you guys even more. So cure!